MK Sharren Haskel (Likud) on Thursday submitted a complaint to the Knesset's Ethics Committee regarding Joint Arab List MK Aida Touma-Suleiman's slander of terror victim Ari Fuld.
Fuld, a father of four, was murdered by an Arab terrorist last month while shopping in Gush Etzion.
"Aida Touma-Suleiman called Fuld a murderer, who executed the attacker," Haskel wrote in a letter revealed by Channel 2.
"She left me horrified by the demonstration - at a Knesset committee meeting - of support for terror activities and incitement," Haskel wrote in her complaint. "Remarks such as these are not acceptable and have no place, certainly not in Israel's Knesset."
Touma-Suleiman responded, "I have no intention of responding to Haskel's distortion. I'm not another card for her to use in her race for the Likud primaries while she sacrifices basic human values such as love of others and respect of life. I invite you to watch the committee's meeting on the Knesset site."
"'I know how many lives would be saved if the settlers would just get out of there' - that was the sentence that angered MK Haskel. It's not a secret that I see the settlements and settlers as another arm of the occupation, via which it steals Palestinian land and commits crimes towards the Palestinian nation. As long as the occupation continues, innocent people from both sides will continue to pay with their lives due to occupying right-wing governments' hunger for power and blood."