An Aeroflot flight to Israel from New York via Russia was canceled without the airline informing the passengers, who were delayed for seven hours at the airport.
The Israeli haredi website Behadrei Haredim reported that the families received notice that they had no way to reach their destination the Passover holiday, which begins on Friday night. Their only option is an alternative flight with El Al in the evening at a price of $2,000 per ticket, far less than the company is willing to reimburse the stranded passengers. According to the company the plane experienced a technical failure and cannot take off.
Moti Adler, the son of Meir Adler, the famous musician from Vizhnitz, told the site: "Suddenly they told us that the flight was postponed. Every hour they told us another hour, and in the end they simply canceled it and told us they had next week on Monday. They are willing to pay only the amount of the ticket, and we are forced to fly with El Al at twice the price, about $2,000."
"There are a lot of families here with children and babies, it's an intolerable situation. They brought in policemen who simply pushed us out, because we did not want to leave. We are now waiting for our suitcases. This is not a good situation. No one knows how he will fly and what he will do. They told us they would give us a hotel until next week, but it's not serious because we are on the eve of the Seder. What exactly will be done at the hotel?"