Kuwaiti therapist Dr. Mariam Al-Sohel said in an interview on Scope TV (Kuwait) that she developed an anal suppository based on the "Prophetic medicine" of the Prophet Muhammad. Dr. Sohel claims that the new suppository cures same-sex-attraction (SSA) by exterminating the "anal worm that feeds on semen", reports the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
Showing samples of the suppositories, she claimed the treatment has been subjected to modern research and testing.
The research upon which she based her treatment is not known, but its roots in Islamic teaching are not necessarily unfounded: It is told in the hadith that "Omar ibn al-Khattab had an anal disease that could only be cured by semen," possibly a reference to Dr. Al-Sohel's effeminizing worm. It is not known whether the the treatment has generated mass appeal in the Muslim street, nor how long supplies will last.
She referred to SSA men as "the third gender" and to "butch lesbians" as the "fourth gender", saying the new treatment "cures" both.
She also claimed to have developed a balanced diet as part of the treatment that includes plenty of bitter foods and root vegetables, the consumption of which she said increases masculinity in men.
Dr. Al-Sohel was presented as a "Human Development Advisor," and on social media she identifies as a Reiki Master, and a member of Toastmasters International.
She said she received an honorary doctorate in "Sex Management" from the International Union of Universities in Turkey.