Interior Minister Aryeh Deri approved a two-week extension to the Tiberias local authorities who have not yet approved their budget in the plenum.
To date, the budgets of the cities of Tiberias, Or Akiva, Rahat, Yarka and Isfiya have not been approved.
Two weeks ago, the city council of Tiberias rejected a municipal budget proposal for 2019 submitted by Mayor Ron Kobi for the third time in a row.
When the vote ended and it became clear that the budget proposal was not approved, Mayor Ron Kobi declared: "A black day for Tiberias."
In a rare step, the head of the city council in charge of the northern district in the Interior Ministry, Boaz Yosef, attended the meeting and explained the significance of the vote to the council members. Yosef noted that if the budget is not approved by June 30, the Interior Minister will have to start working to disperse the council and apparently to also oust the mayor.
But the decree is being pushed off with the assistance of the Interior Minister for at least two weeks.
Meanwhile, Kobi has announced his intention to run for the 22nd Knesset in September, as the leader of a new party, The Secular Right.
Kobi, who made headlines with his vitriol against the Haredi community in Tiberias, submitted a request to the party registrar to form his new party.