The National Council of Young Israel - Chovevei Zion, in collaboration with Arutz Sheva , organized a fact-finding tour of Israel for American politicians, lawmakers, and influencers. The fact-finding mission was attended by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, who noted, "In all of the discoveries and excavations throughout Israel, not one time has an archaeological discovery controverted the Biblical record." Describing the experience of walking the same pathways and stones tread on thousands of years ago by our ancestors, trip organizer Dr. Joe Frager of Chovevei Zion said: "It's eye-opening and incredibly energizing to be here and see what's developed." City of David Foundation International Affairs Director Ze'ev Orenstein told Arutz Sheva : "Jerusalem is significant not just to Israel and to the Jewish People, Jerusalem is significant to the foundations of America... It has its roots here in Jerusalem and of course Biblical Jerusalem is the City of David. And therefore if somebody wants to understand the significance of Jerusalem, religiously, historically, and also politically, one has to come the the City of David; this is where it all began." Orenstein continued: "In the face of Palestinian denial of Jerusalem's heritage; in the face of the UN denial of the Jewish heritage and Christian heritage in Jerusalem, that when you come to the City of David and you see the discoveries that are being made every single day here, you see that it's not simply a matter of faith, it's a matter of fact." US politicians conclude Israel trip Itzik Nissim New York State Republican Party Chairman Nick Langworthy summed up his conclusions from the trip, saying: "These are experiences I'm going to take with me forever... To see things that tie into our history and our culture and our faith, whether we're Jews or Christians - this has been a very meaningful experience for me and a transformational experience." US politicians conclude Israel trip Itzik Nissim US politicians conclude Israel trip Itzik Nissim