The Israel Police received a report late Saturday night about a group of six people who were in danger of drowning off of Coco Hut Beach on the Kinneret.
According to the caller, the friends had set off on a motorized boat when suddenly the boat overturned in the water. They managed to climb onto the underside of the boat and sit on top of it, but the boat then began to sink.
Police were dispatched to the scene and began searching for them. In a short time all six were located about 2 kilometers from the coastline, sitting on the underside of the overturned boat.
The six rescued men and women were safely brought to the shore. Within minutes, police received another report and set out to rescue another man in his forties who had entered the lake two hours earlier.
According to the caller, he and his brother arrived at the beach to spend some time in the Kinneret. The man had gone onto the water riding a water scooter. When he did not return two hours later, his brother called the police, fearing for his life.
The naval patrol was launched and began searching for the man, while analyzing and calculating the wind directions that were strong. About three kilometers away, the policemen spotted an overturned water scooter and the rider hanging onto it for dear life..
The policemen approached him and carefully brought him onto the police vessel while the water scooter sank.