Grapes are one of the Seven Species for which Eretz Yisrael is praised, and so it comes as no surprise that since the time of the Tanach, Eretz Yisrael has been renowned for its superb wines. The numerous ancient wine presses and vats discovered today attest to the great demand for Jewish wine.
The story of the wine industry in Israel is in many ways a reflection of the renewed Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael after centuries of desolation, coming on the heels of the Churban Habayis.
A Holy Wine Cellar
While, in the modern era, Jewish immigrants, disciples of the Vilna Gaon and the Baal Shem Tov, had already arrived in the 1700s, it was only in the mid-1800s that the early beginnings of commercial winemaking were evident. The Shor family, recently arrived from Ukraine, opened their Eshkol Winery, in Jerusalem. Using grapes purchased in Hebron, they worked out of a cellar in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City to produce their signature "Konditon" wine, sold to members of the community, with limited exports to Diaspora Jewry in Eastern Europe.
Significantly, the cellar from where the Shors ran their winery was adjacent to the Kosel, which actually reaches down several stories below street level. The Shors were careful to respect the sanctity of site, and made sure that their wine casks never leaned against the holy stones.
Sophisticated Wine Culture
Fast forward 150 years to the beginning of the 21st century. Israel steadily began to emerge as a serious contender in the global wine market, concurrently developing a sophisticated wine culture. Today, Israel boasts some 35 commercial wineries and over 250 boutique wineries, providing the kosher consumer with a dazzling choice of excellent wines.
Erez and Vered Ben Saadon, owners of the Tura Estate Winery, have earned the distinction of being the very first to grow grapes and produce wine in the rolling hills of the Shomron. Located in the community of Rechelim on Har Bracha, for close to two decades they've been producing highly acclaimed, award-winning red and white wines, available across the globe — in selected stores, hotels, and even on El Al flights.
The beauty of Tura Winery is that it combines the professionalism of a world-class winery together with the personal touch of a family business, where every customer is important, and every detail matters.
Humble Beginnings
The story of the Ben Saadons is an inspiration to many aspiring, like-minded entrepreneurs. "We literally started from nothing," recalls Vered, describing how she and Erez took the money they received as wedding gifts and, together with a passionate love for Eretz Yisrael, invested in the grape vines. "Erez took courses and went to learn firsthand in a plant nursery, while I studied at the University of Ariel."
After a few years of selling their exceptional grapes to other wineries, in 2003, the Ben Saadons decided to take the initiative and strike out on their own and produce their own wine. By this time, the family had grown Their first crop yielded 1,200 bottles, and by the next year, they more than doubled that amount. Encouraged by the enthusiastic response to those early attempts, Vered and Erez entered their first wine into the Eshkol Hazahav competition – and won! Their top-quality wines have gone on to win many more awards, in both local and international competitions.
As the business grew, so did the family. Today the Ben Saadons are the proud parents of five beautiful children, who also enjoy being involved in the business.
"We've seen a great deal of siyatta diShmaya," Vered says. "Hakadosh Baruch Hu gave us this place on Har Brachah, and that is what we have seen here — tremendous bracha. We are very grateful."
Free Wine Tours This Chol Hamoed Sukkos
Tura Winery will be opening its doors wide this Chol Hamoed Sukkos, welcoming visitors with wine-tastings and tours — absolutely free!
The Visitors' Center will be open on Chol Hamo'ed: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, October 15 – 17, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Friday, October 18, and on Sunday October 20, opening hours will be 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Please phone 02- 650-8882 or 052-7966613 to coordinate visits in advance.
The Ben Saadons welcome all guests to sit among the vines in Tura's sukkah, the largest in the Shomron!
Throughout the year, the Tura Winery Visitor's Center is open to individuals and groups, with options for wine- and olive oil-tasting, with or without bread and cheese. Groups visits include the option for wine and oil tastings, ending with a gourmet meat or dairy meal. Prices are reasonable, and flexible according to the number of guests. Visits must be coordinated in advance.
Calling all history buffs! Explore the 3,500-year-old historical site of Tel Shilo followed by a visit to the winery for one inclusive price.
All Tura wines are lo mevushal, under the strict supervision of Machon L'Kashrus under Rav Mordechai Ungar of Monsey and the OU.