Ahmed Tibi
Ahmed TibiEsti Desiubov/TPS

Chairman of the Joint List and senior member of the party's negotiating team with Blue and White, MK Ahmed Tibi, came on the "Five" radio show Sunday to discuss the results of the recent elections and possibility of supporting a Blue and White minority government.

"I am not a young person, so I can't recall what courtship is like, but there has yet to be any official contact between us and the Blue and White party," said Tibi, who noted that if Benny Gantz wants the support of the Arab MKs "he knows what he should do."

"Our public is waiting to see [political] accomplishments and we will act responsibly while keeping the Joint List unified" said Tibi, stressing that there is no way he would recommend Gantz's premiership without preconditions. Tibi said he "wasn't familiar with the concept of an absence of preconditions" in politics.

"We had the option to recommend [Gantz] a few months ago. This time [our election success] requires additional caution and more achievements for our sector," he said. "There are laws hurting the Arab public; they have to be repealed."

He said negotiations with Blue and White should be transparent and that in the end Netanyahu would not remain in office: "His joy was premature, very premature," said Tibi alluding to Netanyahu's victory speech following the Likud's election success.