אזרחים מגיעים להצדיע למשפחת ההרוג

Hundreds of civilians arrived in Ramat Gan Tuesday afternoon to pay their respects to Golani Brigade Staff Sergeant Amit Ben Yigal, who was killed early Tuesday morning by Arab terrorists operating out of the Palestinian Authority-controlled town of Ya'abed, west of Jenin.

Participants followed a call that was circulated on social networks stating: "For the hero of Israel, the Golani Patrol Fighter, the late Sergeant Amit Ben Yigal, we will hold a funeral which will be limited [because of the situation] these days."

"Let's gather at 9 Congress Avenue in Ramat Gan, across from his father's house, at 3:30 pm, and pay tribute to those who gave their lives on behalf of all of us, in a demonstration of salute, with appropriate distancing and in compliance with the Health Ministry guidelines. Come and share," added the initiators.

The funeral for Amit Ben Yigal, who was posthumously promoted to the rank of Chief Sergeant, has been set for 6:00 p.m. at the Be’er Yaakov cemetery.