Rabbi David Stav of the Tzohar rabbinic organization has called on people from at-risk categories to refrain from going to synagogues to pray. "The mitzvah of 'And you shall greatly protect your souls' takes precedence over praying at the synagogue, so it is important that anyone who is at risk, even the slightest, avoid attending despite the great difficulty involved." Rabbi Stav also added, "At the beginning of the epidemic, synagogues were some of the most important points of contagion that unfortunately has taken the lives of many Jews in Israel and around the world. Therefore, it is very important to take every precaution to ensure that the synagogue will be protected as much as possible." Tzohar calls on leaders of communities to set up small minyanim (prayer groups) in open areas in addition to prayers in the synagogue in order to allow at-risk populations to pray with a group, as well. Rabbi David Stav Photo: Arutz Sheva