The Jewish People is engaged in a decades-old struggle to ensure that the lands liberated in the Six Day War remain in Israel's hands.
I was privileged to be a front line soldier during that war and can testify that Joyce and Herb Green OBM were the first and most dauntless heroes championing our efforts and supporting this 45 year old struggle.
Courageous, perceptive and stalwart, they understood from the start what the majority of Israel's Jewish citizens realize today.
It was a pleasure to take part in our many ideological as well as our many practical meetings, some in Toronto and others in Israel. They gave us, the younger activists and fighters, the strength to continue on without weakening in the never-ending struggle for the right to build communities in our biblical heartland, and for the right to broadcast from the Arutz Sheva boat, purchased in large part with the generous contributions donated each and every year by Herb and Joyce.
They were the couple we made sure to meet as soon as we arrived in Toronto. Their smiling welcome, wisdom, understanding and warm hospitality was such an inspiration for us. And who can forget that first cup of coffee Joyce always served us after our long flight…
The day will come, with G-d's help, when millions of Jews will make their homes in Judea and Samaria – and fifty years from now we will tell them how long ago, there were a few larger-than-life figures,–unfortunately, not many – people who gave their all so that those millions would lead lives of dignity and security.
Joyce and Herb were leaders, the first to understand the meaning of Jewish history and how much selfless dedication it requires of us today.
May the memory of Joyce and her husband Herb, who passed away exactly ten years ago, be engraved forever in the eternal national memory of the Jewish People.
Joyce Green passed away on August 10 at her home in Jerusalem.