Interior Minister Aryeh Deri sharply criticized Defense Minister Benny Gantz during the weekly Shas faction meeting Monday following the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the Submarine Affair."
"Yesterday something fell in Israel. As a very senior member of the Defense Cabinet and as someone who has been with several prime ministers and defense ministers in Israeli governments for many years, I can unfortunately determine that the defense minister crossed a red line due to political considerations," Deri claimed.
According to Deri: "The establishment of the committee that he himself opposed several months ago will make the Holy of Holies of the IDF and the defense establishment part of political election propaganda and will lead to the disclosure of classified and confidential information through leaks to the media."
"I call on the Minister of Defense, my friend Mr. Benjamin Gantz, you contributed your best years to Israel's security. Cancel [this step], and we will continue to keep the defense establishment out of the political game," Deri added.
The interior minister added, "I was among the main ones who pushed to form this government, I invested many hours in it, a few months ago, a few minutes before the government disbanded I offered a compromise so the government could continue, I thought unity government would be good in light of the Corona crisis. But in light of the conduct in recent months, I doubt whether there is any justification or benefit to continuing this partnership."