According to the IDF Spokesman, The Home Front Command and Foreign Ministry delegation in Miami have been joined in the past day by members of another delegation, including rescuers, engineers and aid workers, to strengthen and assist the existing delegation. An operational team of Unit 9900 in the Intelligence Division built a three-dimensional model that maps the building that collapsed, thus streamlining the process of locating the bodies in the building. The delegation is working on two main efforts: The rescue and engineering effort and the effort by Home Front Command officers to assist the families of the missing. At the same time, the staff of the Israeli Consulate, headed by the Consul General, is working with the local authorities, families and heads of the Jewish community, and is examining other ways in which help can be provided, such as emotional support for the families and the community. The commander of the team in Unit 9900, Lt. N, said: "Routinely, I command a special team that builds three-dimensional models for the purpose of carrying out IDF operational activities. In recent days, crew members have been using advanced technological capabilities to assist the Home Front Command delegation in Miami. We analyzed the building that collapsed and built a three-dimensional model of it, which will allow the Home Front Command personnel to assist in the rescue and navigate through the rubble more quickly and effectively. We are grateful for the privilege and are proud to take part in such an important humanitarian effort. "