The military prosecutor's office and counsel for an individual who aided the terrorist from Barkan have submitted a new plea deal to the Appeal Court, according to which the accused will serve a comparatively light 40 months in prison by order of the military court in Samaria.
The hearing was attended by Rafi Lebengrund, the father of Kim Lebengrund, 14, who was killed in the attack, and Adv. Haim Bleicher from the Honenu organization, which represents the families of victims of terror.
In light of the judge refusing Kim and Ziv's families' request to be a party to the hearing, Rafi Lebengrund attacked the filing of the new plea deal: "They arranged a new plea deal between the terrorist and the prosecution, both of which have no real interest in the proceedings. The judge did not even give me a chance to have my say in the matter because the two sides are cooperating for their mutual convenience."
He added that the only reason the accused would want to increase his sentence from 36 months to forty is to avoid a trial where the evidence will be presented as it should be. "They are sweeping this trial under the rug to get rid of me and my family. They are acting as if Kim's life was worthless. I am ashamed that this is what courts look like in my country."