Activists protest Chancellor Merkel's visit
Activists protest Chancellor Merkel's visitHezki Baruch

The Im Tirtzu organization and bereaved families on Sunday demonstrated protesting the 84 million shekel ($25,981,980) which the German government provided to subversive organizations over the past decade.

The demonstration began at 10:00a.m. on Sunday, and included both Im Tirtzu and the Choosing Life Forum for families of terror victims.

It is being held opposite the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, where German Chancellor Angela Merkel is meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Israeli Cabinet members.

Demonstrators shouted in German as well as in Hebrew, protesting the German government's diplomatic subversiveness and its support of organizations which promote political propaganda and work against the State of Israel. Some of the organizations also offer legal support to terrorists and murderers.

Merkel's current visit is her last before leaving office. Last month, Merkel's party, the CDU, suffered its worst defeat since World War II.