Tomorrow (Wednesday) the new vaccination campaign will be launched in schools in its new format, but the newspaper Israel Hayom has learned that although there is a desire to expand the vaccination campaign dramatically, there are only 400 student health nurses who have joined the mission and will join the operation. The Home Front Command, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education began the vaccination campaign in primary schools last week.Vaccination vans have already arrived in several areas such as Yavne, Zemer, Rahat and Karnei Shomron. However, the schools have been notified that the vaccines through this system will be abolished, and in their place those who will be conducting vaccinates against corona will only be the school nurses, who have a lower supply. Until now, MDA was responsible for vaccinations in schools. They would arrive with the necessary vaccines and a list of names from the Ministry of Education. The school's corona official would be in charge of acquiring permission from the parents. On the other hand, the number of unvaccinated students in the education system aged 5-11 stands at 874,000. Given the fact that each nurse can vaccinate up to 100 students a day, the number of nurses who will participate in the operation is critical. In the education system, there are about 3,000 elementary schools. Therefore, it is not known what will happen in three weeks, when school nurses will have to go back and perform booster shots. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's main goal is to increase the percentage of vaccinated students, which is at a low of 26.7% (out of a total education system of more than two million students, only 620,000 of them were vaccinated). Those to vaccinate the children from now on will be the "school nurses", who are employed by outside companies and during the year vaccinate the school children with other routine vaccines - and now they have been instructed to stop their activities, so that for the next three weeks they will only deal with corona vaccines. Health Ministry chief approves children's vaccines Top health expert: 'I oppose mandatory vaccination' Government mulling restrictions on gatherings Bennett proposes denying entry to classes for unvaccinated kids