Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Aliyah and Integration Minister Aliyah and Integration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata have appointed Meir Spiegler as Director of the National Task Force on the Integration of Aliyah from Ukraine, Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Spiegler, 63, who has a bachelor's degree in law and a master's degree in business administration, currently serves as Director General of the National Insurance Institute. He has previously served as Director General of the Jewish National Fund and Director General of the Religious Services Ministry.
In the framework of his position, Spiegler will integrate government efforts on the absorption of olim from Ukraine, Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in coordination with – inter alia – the relevant government ministries, the Jewish Agency and Nativ, under the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Bennett said: "The State of Israel was founded to be the safest place in the world for the Jewish people; this is the heart of our purpose. Jews fleeing places of danger need to know that they have an open door and a warm home. Our internal bureaucracy cannot place obstacles in their way. In order to coordinate and lead on the issue in coordination with all elements, today we have decided to appoint Meir Spiegler to head the team that will lead the national effort. Meir is a man of action who has served the State of Israel in a variety of public sector positions. Together, we will carry out this sacred task this time as well."
Immigration and Integration Minister Tamano-Shata said:"The difficult hour of the Jews of Ukraine is our time of testing. The expectation of aliyah of Jews and those included under the Law of Return from Ukraine and the neighboring countries, according to the experts, will reach tens and even hundreds of thousands. Their rapid and optimal integration requires an effort by all government ministries and aliyah elements. To this end, I am pleased that the Prime Minister and I have decided to establish a centralized control team to manage the operation, in coordination with the directives and the joint lead of the Prime Minister's Office and the Aliyah and Integration Ministry. I congratulate Meir Spiegler for joining the national effort and for his commitment to purpose and vision of the State of Israel as the home of the entire Jewish people."