American policy regarding the Arab/Israel conflict has not changed since the Armistice Agreement in 1949.
American policy sought to to achieve a holy balance in the Israeli-Arab conflict. ”This policy had its origins in the tripartite U.S.-British-French declaration in 1950, against arms sales to either side. The Soviets exploited this policy to sell arms to the Arabs, and the French looked after their own interests when they supplied weapons to Israel, but the Americans preserved an outward appearance of egalitarianism.” So reported Haaretzin 2007 based on then recently released documents.
“Washington's support for the existence, independence and territorial integrity of all the states of the region was translated into adherence to the armistice lines of 1949: not to allow Egypt, or any combination of Arab states, to destroy Israel, but also not to allow Israel to expand westward, into Sinai, or eastward, into the West Bank. The American pressure in this regard brought the IDF back from El Arish in Operation Horev in 1949 and from Sinai in 1956. A version of it would appear in Henry Kissinger's directives after the IDF encircled Egypt's Third Army at the end of the Yom Kippur War of 1973. “
America even had plans for intervention should intervention be needed to maintain their policy. In late May, 1967, these plans were dusted off with the intention of updating them. But events unfolding so quickly that they had to be scrapped in favour of working as quickly as possible through the UN and Russia, to establish a ceasefire.
Even the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel did not lead to intervention but to a quick resolution negotiated by PM Eshkol and Pres. Johnson.
It was recommended at the time that “Following the cease-fire, U.S. ground forces would be moved in for peacekeeping missions. The return of territories would be achieved primarily by diplomatic means, with military force to be used only if "absolutely necessary."
President Johnson was a friend of the Jews and Israel and he had appointed three key officials who were more sympathetic to Israel than their predecessors: Walt Rostow as national security adviser, Richard Helms as CIA chief, and General Earle Wheeler as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
It was with this policy orientation that Res 242 was worked out. The US could have simply said that Israel won the land in a defensive war and that would have been the end of it. Instead she settled with a small change in her original policy and did not require Israel to withdraw from all territories. She allowed Israel to remain in occupation until she had secure and recognized borders.
Two years later Richard Nixon, no friend of the Jews, became President and he proposed the Rogers Plan which conformed to the original US policy with these words,
“We believe that while recognized political boundaries must be established, and agreed upon by the parties, any change in the pre-existing lines should not reflect the weight of conquest and should be confined to insubstantial alterations required for mutual security. We do not support expansionism.”
In 1975, Henry Kissinger, also no friend of the Jews, advised an Iraqi diplomat, in line with US policy,
“On the contrary, Israel does us more harm than good in the Arab world …We can’t negotiate about the existence of Israel but we can reduce its size to historical proportions….
Pres G.W.Bush supported this policy by including the Saudi Plan calling for it, in the Roadmap. A year later he recanted somewhat in his letter to PM Sharon and embraced Res 242 to the exclusion of the Saudi Plan.
“As part of a final peace settlement, Israel must have secure and recognized borders, which should emerge from negotiations between the parties in accordance with UNSC Resolutions 242 and 338. In light of new realities on the ground, including already existing major Israeli populations centers, it is unrealistic to expect that the outcome of final status negotiations will be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949, and all previous efforts to negotiate a two-state solution have reached the same conclusion. It is realistic to expect that any final status agreement will only be achieved on the basis of mutually agreed changes that reflect these realities.”
Pres Obama would have none of it and returned to the Saudi Plan requiring pre ’67 war borders with insubstantial exchanges.
Thus the US policy formulated after the Armistice lines were agreed upon in 1949, stands in the way of a solution to the conflict. The US is trying to engineer an outcome in line with this policy without taking into account that Israel now has a population ten times larger than it had in ’48 and has 600,000 of its citizens living east of the armistice lines. To help achieve this end, she arms the Arabs, denies Israel the right of self defense, turns a blind eye to her deligitimation and even contributes to it, encourages the EU to undermine Israel and apply pressure and threatens to no longer protect Israel with her veto. She also funds UNRWA which maintains the Palestinian refugees in camps rather than demands they be resettled.
Obama has embraced the Saudi Plan which calls for the application of Res 194 which recognizes the “right of return” for refugees who want to return to pre ’67 Israel. Obama has yet to make a direct statement on the “right of return”.
At the core of US policy is the idea that the Arabs are more likely to accept Israel if she were forced to make a full retreat. But where is the evidence of his. All evidence points to the fact that the Arabs object to the existence of Israel regardless of her borders. After all, that is why they went to war against Israel in the first place. A shrunken Israel, rather than advance the cause of
Why is it that the Palestinians insist on the refugee “right of return”? The answer is simply that they don’t want them. No Arab country does. They use “right of return” as a tool to destroy Israel.
peace, will be an enticement to war.
Assuming the US goal is peace or at least, stability, her policy should be to keep Israel strong with defensible borders. She should support the Jordan River as Israel’s eastern border and resettle all refugees elsewhere. Remember, if the US forced Israel to accept the return of 5 million refugees or even 2 million, even to the Palestinian state only, this would be very destabilizing to Palestine and to Israel. Imagine the unrest which would be caused by such an underclass within Palestine where they would be a majority. Imagine further that they invade Israel en masse all along the border. How could Israel stop them?
Why is it that the Palestinians insist on the refugee “right of return”? The answer is simply that they don’t want them. No Arab country does. They use “right of return” as a tool to destroy Israel.
I hope the US understands this. I hope Israel understands this.
Sen. Mitchell is back in Israel to work on settling the core issues, Jerusalem, refugees and borders. Pursuant to the original US policy, defensible borders are not in the cards. The US will allow for certain security needs such as Israel’s control of the Jordan Rift, and the air space but she wants these provisions to be time limited.
There is nothing to suggest that Jerusalem can be shared peaceably. Instead, its damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. Jerusalem as a city and concept is holy only to Jews. Why should they be required to share it with the Arabs. The Arabs living in Jerusalem could become citizens of Israel just like Arabs now living in Israel are. They would be glad to.
The two-state solution harkens back to the UN Partition Plan of ’47. But that General Assembly resolution was illegal in that it violated the UN obligations to uphold the Mandate to create a Jewish state in all of Palestine. It was also only a recommendation. Why is the US slavishly adhering to it. But present policy is worse than the Partition Plan which drew borders based on demographics. At a minimum the US should follow the same principle and work toward borders based on demographics today. But no, she would rather force Israel to uproot in excess of 100,000 of her own citizens.
In short, the US is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. She must stop being governed by past policies and formulate a new policy based on current realities,.with a view to future stability.%ad%