Mahmoud Abbas has again, as recently as January 11 stated publicly “We won’t recognize and accept the Jewishness of Israel” thereby admitting to the world that the Palestinian Authority (PA) he heads has no intention of making peace.
While other commentators may take the view that the PA has as usual lost an opportunity for ending this conflict once and for all, I do not agree. Mahmoud Abbas is not a fool. He knows that peace will entail fading into some degree of obscurity, being inundated with the boring and mundane acts of good governance for the people he represents and may even require an expectation to participate in democratically held elections every four years or so.
Firstly, one has to ask, who in the PA apparatus is remotely interested in democracy? Democracy to them is some foolish western notion alien to the Muslim states in the region, so why would anyone think that Abbas & Co. are any different?
If Abbas signed any form of peace agreement, he would know that the western world would expect some sign of democracy taking shape in the territory under the PA’s control and to not dismantle the PA’s power structure would expose his organisation as the terrorists they truly are.
Secondly and more to the point, why would these terrorists in suits give up their perks, their lavish lifestyles, their status in being centre stage at world conferences where a doting world fawns over their every word? Peace might force them to cease indulging themselves with money that is bestowed on them by nations who think they are aiding the cause of peace and the supposed suffering of a people who have attempted to rewrite history. The lifestyle they have been accustomed to may be jeopardised by signing a piece of paper that signifies an end to hostilities.
No doubt by putting obstacles they know Israel would be insane to accept, they ensure this conflict will continue and in the process could work to their advantage. Having become masters of propaganda, they will at all times try to put the blame for any breakdown in the so called “peace process” on supposed Israeli intransigence, be it “settlements” or anything else, knowing full well that most of the world will probably agree with this false assessment.
The leaders of the PA have invested too much in demonizing Jews and Israel to ever turn this hatred around, thus ensuring the “Palestinian” population will forever be on their side on any decision they make. No, this lot will not trade their lifestyles for the sake of peace and the quicker Israel wakes up to this fact and treats them with the contempt and disrespect they truly deserve, the better.
I believe that these so called “peace talks” will formally break down and there will no doubt be a full scale resumption of terrorist acts. This time the gloves must come off with Israel taking unilateral action on whatever it deems to be in its sovereign interests while at the same time sending Abbas & Co. packing to the Arab capital of their choice.
The so called “Palestinians” would have had their brief time on the world centre stage and the curtain should finally be brought down on the PA, with its leaders finally exposed as the unrelenting, uncompromising Jew haters that they are.