It gets better. You can become rich. Lucky man, therefore, Michael Wolff. He’s the man topping this week’s news cycle over a book he wrote about President Trump. Never mind the title. You probably just bought a copy… if you are a Democrat. It’s the number one bestseller in America, and that happened awfully fast.
The book came from out of nowhere when Steve Bannon, quoted within the book, turned nasty on Trump, his former boss.
Bannon, who I always mistake for a pool hall sharpie when I see him on television, served as Trump’s chief strategist before he got fired.
Wolff’s entire book, apparently, is a nasty piece of work, and all right, I guess I should give you the title, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”
You’ve heard of slasher movies? This is a slasher book…or like one of those horror spectacles, “I Know What You Did Last Summer.”
Wolff says he knows. So the skinny, according to the writer, Wolff, is that in the opening days all was chaos among Team Trump. Trump himself is chaos if you believe Wolff, which I don’t, and neither does Trump, who may have had a cup of coffee with Wolff, not the three hours of conversation Wolff claims.
Wolff’s claims, it seems, are dubious and open to interpretation.
He fires away, against Trump, but admits, according to Business Insider, that he is not sure that everything he writes is true. Well, so what, right? A buck’s a buck.
A while back, 2004, The New Republic analyzed Wolff’s journalism and came away damning him for “creating facts springing from his imagination rather than from actual knowledge of events” --- then saying “he’s fixated on money, money, money.”
A while back, 2004, The New Republic analyzed Wolff’s journalism and came away damning him for “creating facts springing from his imagination rather than from actual knowledge of events.”
Just one of many howlers in the book is the allegation that Trump did not know who former House Speaker John Boehner was; when in fact the two had spent time together well before the election.
Trump has had the best first season as president since George Washington. Trump has reinvigorated the country. Our allies respect us. Our enemies fear us. To allege that Trump lacks the “mental fitness for office” is simply dishing the kind of dirt meant for the deranged media to pick through and lap up…in cahoots with the Democrats.
He, they say, was “fit for office…” Forty years… Lion of the Senate.
Democrat John Kerry snitched on his Vietnam buddies and under Obama became U.S. Secretary of State.
Democrats will forgive every sin committed by other Democrats.
They can’t get Trump on anything else – not for lack of trying – so next up is a book of smears that the writer himself is reluctant to defend…and not just about anybody. This one’s about the President of the United States. Try that in Turkey or 100 other places around the world, against their leader.
Consider ourselves lucky…even the tattlers, talebearers and scoundrels among us.