Rabbi Yigal Levenstein, who is the head of the Bo'i Haruach movement, has released a new video explaining why, in his opinion, the LGBT flag is such a serious matter, as well as the importance of not being afraid of the LGBT movement.

"The flag behind me, the LGBT flag, is currently being flown all over the country," Rabbi Levinstein says in the video. "Once upon a time, this flag suggested that these people should be pitied, but this is no longer the case. Today, we see an entirely different process unfolding, one that imposes itself on us, that controls us. This process threatens organizations and threatens individuals. It silences people.

"Why is this flag behaving in such a way?" the rabbi asks. "What is it afraid of? It is afraid of the truth, of a different flag, a small flag - this flag here, the flag of Torah, the flag that Jewish children hold aloft on the festival of Simchat Torah. This is the flag of truth, the flag of the eternal Jewish People, the flag of the sanctity of the Jewish People."

Concluding his video clip, Rabbi Levinstein calls on his listeners to stand tall and not be afraid. "In our Torah, it is written: 'G-d created them male and female and He called them "Man."' G-d created Man in His image, in the Divine image, and He created Man specifically male and female, as this is the manner in which Mankind expresses the Divine image. And the Torah goes on to teach us not only what is proper behavior, but also what is improper behavior, and the Torah calls this flag behind me an 'abomination.'

"There is no need to be afraid of them - instead, we should stand tall. This little flag that tells of the eternal nature of the Jewish People has seen a lot of other flags throughout history, a lot of idols throughout history, and it has outlived them all. The Jewish People will survive forever, because it is not Man which determines our survival, but G-d Himself."

The video, distributed by Bo'i Ruach and the Chotam organization, is the latest in a series of videos called "Around the Corner" which focus on current issues of identity and values in Israel from a Jewish perspective.