Victor Hugo Sosa, who is the head of the town of San Pedro Huamelula, a town of Chontal natives in the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico, decided to marry Alicia Adriana, with whom he fell in love a few months ago.
The only problem with the exciting marriage ceremony was that Alicia Adriana is a caiman alligator.
The ceremony took place because the natives believe that marrying a crocodile brings good luck, and the head of the town hopes that his marriage to Alicia Adriana will bring luck to the town's residents. The tradition of a man marrying a caiman alligator has been practiced for over 230 years in San Pedro Huamelula.
Some of the residents of the town who took part in the ceremony clapped and danced to celebrate the marriage of the head of the town with the caiman. Hugo Sosa himself explained why he decided to marry the caiman and to follow the traditional custom of his ancestors, which is supposed to bring luck to the town's residents. "I accept responsibility because we love each other. That's what's important. You can't have a marriage without love. I'm marrying the princess."
He was then filmed kissing the "bride" on the head. Luckily, she didn't bite him back.
As per the best tradition, the celebrations included many ancient symbolic gestures. Adriana initially wore a green skirt and headdress, representing her cultural significance. Later, the crocodile "changed" her outfit and wore a white dress. As a precaution, the residents decided to block Adriana's mouth in order to prevent an unexpected bite to her new love, the mayor of the town.