Yair Golan
Yair GolanChaim Goldberg/Flash 90

The chairman of the Labor Party, Yair Golan, supports the participation of the Ra'am Party in a future coalition.

Journalist Tal Schneider asked Golan to respond to statements attributed to the Yesh Atid Party, stipulating it would be possible to invite Ra'am to a coalition only if it already had 61 members from Zionist parties.

Golan replied, "This is a very serious mistake. Maybe we should stop constantly trying to appease the right and making two million Israeli citizens illegitimate."

Golan explained the principle that guides him in his position in favor of leaning on Ra'am in a future coalition. "I think we should act in accordance with principles. The principle is very simple. Anyone who recognizes that Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, and at the same time is a free, egalitarian and democratic state, is, as far as I'm concerned, legitimate. You can sit with them."

The Labor chairman also claimed that Ra’am chairman MK Mansour Abbas recognizes Israel as the national home of the Jewish people.

"Mansour Abbas, I sat next to him in two Knessets. We have many hours of conversations. Mansour Abbas says the following: I recognize that the State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people. I have no problem with that. I understand very well that this is why this country was established. What do I want? Democracy and equality."

"Then why not sit with him?" Golan wondered.