Approximately two weeks ago, the head of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan visited the US, where he connected with a joint effort with lawmakers for the benefit of the settlements. Among other resolutions, it was decided to change the official name of the Judea and Samaria region, so that it would be referred to in official U.S. documents as "Judea and Samaria" rather than "the West Bank." The first to adopt the move is Sunny Isles Beach Mayor Larisa Svechin of the state of Florida, who, after meeting with Dagan, did not wait for the congressional bill to pass, but promptly passed a resolution in the city council, that the area known as the "West Bank" would henceforth be referred to in city documents as "Judea and Samaria". The resolution reads in part: "Samaria is the historical, biblical, and correct name of the area." In addition, the proposal would prohibit the city of Sunny Isles Beach from establishing any sister city relationships with cities whose official beliefs and practices do not comport with the city's established support of Israel and its historic and biblical territorial boundaries, and with cities located within countries that support or harbor terrorism or that officially recognize and thereby legitimize terror-controlled states or territories, such as Spain, Norway and Ireland. During the meeting, Dagan explained to the mayor the importance of recognizing the correct Biblical name and the actual attempts to present Israel as an occupier in Judea and Samaria by hiding the correct Biblical name of the place which clearly indicates the connection between the Jewish people and the Judea and Samaria area and that they are the original inhabitants of the place and were forcibly exiled from it. Mayor Svechin explained the decision: "It's time we align ourselves with the truth. The historical name of this region is Judea and Samaria, not the West Bank. Calling it by its true name is not only accurate; it is a respectful acknowledgment of the Jewish people's historical and biblical connection to the land." "This resolution reflects the solidarity between the residents of Sunny Isles Beach and Israel. It demonstrates our profound understanding and recognition of the historical roots of Israel, which resonate strongly in our community." "Standing up for the truth is not only a powerful act, but it also has a ripple effect. When one place chooses to speak the truth boldly, it inspires others to do the same, creating a wave of integrity and courage. The decision is more than a statement – it is a catalyst for others to embrace historical accuracy and truth-telling without fear." Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, thanked the mayor for the decision and said: "This is a historic and important decision that should be a compass and direction for anyone whose human history is important to him, and who is not willing to trample the truth. The words 'West Bank' contain a long-standing falsehood that attempts to present a picture as if Judea and Samaria were occupied territory, while in fact they are the cradle of the Bible and the very heart of the Jewish people. There, the foundational events of our people took place - and the Tabernacle at Shiloh, the palaces of the Kings of Israel. Here first trod Abraham, the patriarch of the nation, here was erected the altar of Joshua ben Nun, here Joseph was buried, the Cave of the Patriarchs, the tomb of Rachel, and many other historic sites where the footprints of the Jewish people are found. I thank Mayor Svechin, for her courageous and pioneering decision to be the first to make this decision, which I am sure will sweep the entire Western world, which sees itself as a champion of truth and justice."