Everyone chooses allies and friends. While US Vice President Mike Pence was landing in Israel, durng the same hours “PA Chairman” Mahmoud Abbas landed in Brussels. So, the US administration, boycotted by the Palestinian Arabs, thanked Israel for being a rock of friendship, values and security, while Europe welcomed the Palestinian leaders, who want to build an emirate in place of the Jewish State. Finally a bit of clarity: Israel and America are together and the Palestinians are together with the Europeans. But is it good for us Europeans to be the majorettes of the Mahmouds and the Arab-Islamic world and not of the Israeli civilization? Is it okay to roll out the red carpets to the liars? The devastating disease that characterized this lost great civilization is not physical. It is a disease in the realm of the human spirit. “We civilizations are mortal”, wrote Paul Valery a century ago, but his words retain all their relevance: Europe is experiencing a crazy existential crisis. In England they have just created a “Ministry for Loneliness”, In Spain a “Ministry for Fertility” and in France a czar for places of worship in ruins. And the Nobel Prize winner for Economics, Edmund Phelps, has just been in Rome to hold a lecture at Luiss University, explaining the origins of “stagnation in the West” with the rejection of individualism in favor of the “social” dimension. It seems to read from Stefan Zweig's “The World of Yesterday”, a melancholy ode to the lost European greatness. Most Europeans are not tied to a religion, they do not believe in any political project, they do not believe in the gloire, they denigrate the very idea of a European civilization. The devastating disease that characterized this lost great civilization is not physical. It is a disease in the realm of the human spirit. David Hart calls it “metaphysical boredom”. Hart defines today's Europe as a kingdom of hypocrisy and “little sensualists”. He concludes that “against the withering boredom that descends upon a culture no l onger invaded by visions of eternal order, no civilization can endure”. I do not think this submission of Europe to dictators, terrorists, intimidators and Islamists is a coincidence. Stefan Zweig, exiled in Brazil, killed himself feeling a deep melancholy for Europe under the Nazi darkness. Today, Europe commits suicide and does not even know why.