While the West is busy hunting "Russian witches," its sworn enemies devour it alive from within In 1986, the manager of the largest state company in France, Eurodif Georges Besse, arrived at his office as per usual. When he got out of his car, he was shot at point-blank range by unknown people on a motorcycle. Initially the authorities accused the left radical Action Directe, but very soon the intelligence service found the Iranian trace. The Iranians, who owned shares of Eurodif, demanded Paris pay them the dividends that were frozen after the Islamic revolution. The murder of Besse was a blatant threat and it worked. France not only failed to expel Iranian diplomats, but paid Tehran more than $1.6 billion in 1991. Politics of the West is determined by the dominant discourse. That is why the murder of Besse remained unnoticed and unpunished, but the case of Skripal (very doubtful in itself) led to a mass hysteria. Western political consciousness is schematic and one-sided. It forms its own Manichean mythology with ominous forces, martyrs, cunning conspirators and innocent victims. What can be a better illustration of this perception of the world than the blind faith that even now, after the collapse of the Arab world, it is the "Israeli occupation" that remains the source of all troubles in the Middle East and in the world? I am not a supporter of the current regime in the Kremlin, and in Russia I would choose to vote for Ksenia Sobchak. I'm extremely disgusted by the murderous manipulations in the east of Ukraine. I’m alarmed by the military hysteria and whitewashing of such monstrosities as Stalin and Ivan the Terrible. I am worried that national consciousness is carrying the idea of future tyranny. However it is also obvious to me that Russia was chosen for the role of the universal villain long before the case of Skripal. Bombing Serbia, provocative expansion of NATO to the East, the missile defense complex in Poland, absurd campaigns for rights of LGBT in Russia, blaming Russia for all failures and misfortunes - from hackers who allegedly changed the course of the elections in the US to "Brexit" - Russia has been demonized on the most trivial pretext. Putin wouldn’t be able to destroy the West, even if he wanted to. He has no tools for this: neither a radical ideology like the communist one, nor the "Trojan horse" as a bearer of such ideology. However, such ideology and its bearers exist in other countries that are eager to conquer the West. Alien trans-territorial entities have been formed in its body: nests of hatred, ignorance and fanaticism controlled by Islamists - the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Salafis and Shiite Hezbollah. All of them are presented by political movements and parties. All of them are financed by Turkey, Iran and Qatar. Like a wasp larva in the body of a living victim, they poison and devour their carrier from inside. According to Sweden’s Civil Contingencies Agency dated March 2017, MB controls the Muslim community. In December 2017, Chief Prosecutor Lise Tamm compared the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby with the so called “war zones” in Columbia occupied by drug dealers, criminal bands and insurgent groups. The representative of the Danish “Venstre” party, Preben Bang Henriksen, said that in terms of safety the situation was the worst after WWII. In August, German BfV claimed that Salafists were preparing local Muslims for disorders that would be accompanied by group and individual terrorism. Muslim bikers and “Sharia police” patrol streets of cities in the name of fighting against islamophobia. “…We see it (Islamist terrorism) as one of the biggest threats facing the internal security of Germany,” said Hans-Georg Maassen, head of the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Still - they are afraid of Russian hackers in the Bundestag. It is not Putin, it is Erdogan who promised Europe "religious wars", and it is not Russians, Germans and Jews, but Muslims, who will become "cannon fodder" in these wars. It was not Moscow, it was Tehran and Hezbollah that created the Shia network in Germany with a center in Hamburg and "sleeping cells" in North Rhine-Westphalia. In France, Union des Organisations Islamiques de France (UOIF) and its mother organization Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) are branches of MB. In October 2016, a youth gang besieged the Hélène-Boucher school in Seine-Saint-Denis. They attacked the building with firebombs and beat the director. Yacine, 21 years old, a student at the University of Paris, said: “This is a warning. These young people don’t act spontaneously; they attack institutions, the State itself.” Did anybody listen to her? It was Qatar, not Russia, that invested 50 million Euro for establishing Sharia in French cities in 2012. Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani subsidizes radical groups all over the world. “Everyone knows that all mosques in Brussels are in the hands of Salafists”, said former Brussels mayor Yvan Mayeur. In Molenbeek alone, there are 51 organizations connected with terrorism. The new Muslim party “Be.One” headed by Lebanese founder of the European Arab League Dyab Abou Jahjah is a branch of Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party - abbreviated officially AK Parti in Turkish,- a part of MB. The same can be said about Denk Party in Holland. The Austrian Party Neue Bewegung für die Zukunft (New Movement for the Future) is the "fifth column" of the new Turkish sultan, and he doesn't even hide it. Pakistan-born journalist Shams Ul-Haq lived in asylum homes across the country under the guise of a migrant. He said that Salafists invaded minds of migrants and triggered religious hatred by recruiting them into militias. Sebastian Kurtz is one of the few Western leaders who understands that it is they, not Putin, who represent a strategic threat to his country. In Spain, which is still called Andalus by Arabs, back in 1985, Saudis opened the Islamic Cultural Center (Madrid), which was the Europe’s second largest mosque after the the Islamic Center of Malaga, and launched a new TV Channel Córdoba TV. The Sheikh of Qatar is planning to buy the famous La Monumental Arena in Barcelona to turn it into the Europe's biggest mosque. UAE subsidized the building of the Great Mosque of Granada, and Kuwait is funding the construction of mosques in Reus and Torredembarra. Iran subsidizes the popular left-wing radical party "Podemos". Is this also the Kremlin’s hand? According to a report by the Henry Jackson Society dated July 2017, Middle Eastern countries provide financial support to mosques and Islamic educational institutions in the UK. Tom Brake, a Liberal Democrat and foreign affairs spokesman, said that Saudi Arabia funded hundreds of Wahhabist mosques in the country. A counterinsurgency expert Tom Collins warned about the MB danger. He called it a terrorist organization and underlined that Qatar funded the organization. According to the Jenkins Commission report, MB is a dangerous and violence-prone organization threatening the national interests of the country. Britain is building an alliance against Moscow. In the US they found out about MB plans back in 1991 after one of their activists had written a memorandum about civilized jihad in America. MB’s activity is still a mystery. "I've been studying the Brotherhood for 15 years," - says Lorenzo Vidino, director the Program on Extremism at George Washington University. - "I maybe understand 10 percent of how it works”, adding that “… it clearly linked to the Brotherhood abroad” . MB in USA is closely connected to the Holy Land Foundation, which transferred funds to Hamas. MB is also represented by CAIR, which was declared a terrorist group in UAE. In 2008 FBI Special Agent Lara Burns labeled CAIR a front group for Hamas, and in January 2009 the FBI's DC cut ties with CAIR. However MB hasn’t been banned and is forming an alliance against American democracy together with Antifa and Black Life Matters. At same time Iran and Hezbollah founded a branched network in Latin America and US. “…Hezbollah is determined to give itself a potential homeland option as a critical component of its terrorism playbook” – said Nicholas Rasmussen, Director of National Counterterrorism Center, after recent arrests of alleged “Hezbollah” operatives in New York and Michigan. Nevertheless US is obsessed with "hunting Russian witches". Let me remind you of something. Not in Moscow, but in Teheran, homosexuals are hanged on construction cranes. Not in St. Petersburg, but in Istanbul, journalists, teachers, professors and public figures are rotting alive in jails. Not in Russia, but in Iran, political prisoners are raped in prisons. Not Russia, but Turkey, carries out ethnic cleansing of Kurds. Not in Russia, but in Qatar, they established an institute of badly disguised slavery. It is not Russia regularly provoking NATO members, it is Turkey doing this to Greece and Cyprus. The West forgives them all abominations. Four centuries ago, the West did everything to undermine Byzantium and achieved its goal. Half a century later, however, the Ottoman Muslim hordes stood right under the gates of Vienna. "Russian roulette" is a favorite game of the West. Author of “Agony of Hercules or a Farewell to Democracy (Notes of a Stranger)”, published recently by Xlibris, Available at Amazon and Barnes & Nobl.