Israel mourns its fallen and then, the following night, begins the celebrations of its 70th birthday. There is no other country like it in the world, which went from 800.000 to 8 million inhabitants and welcomed 3 million immigrants. There is no other country at war every single day, 365x70 days of threats, massacres, conflicts, tensions, and that in the meantime lived and vibrated as if the war did not exist at all. There is no other country that lost 1 percent of its population in its War of Independence.. There is no other country that is a similar melting pot of cultures and colors. There is no other such concentration of genius, faith, sacrifice. There is no other country born of nothingness and that has welcomed the survivors of the greatest mass slaughter in the history of humanity, making alive what the world decided had to die. There is no other country that has planted the tents of democracy, freedom, human rights, culture, science and life in the desert. There is no other country that survived the worst terror campaign against a civilian population – the “Oslo War” - and that recovered and got stronger. There is no other country whose children are condemned to death for the sole crime of being Jewish. There is no other country that could have closed itself but decided to become an island of liberalism for its minorities and religions. There is no other country which has been created around a religious and metaphysical idea – the homeland of the Jewish people. There is no other country where people, nation, identity, religion and state live together. There is no other country whose eventual disappearence would be a tragedy and a victory for so many people around the world. There is no other country so ancient and so modern at the same time. There is no other country so strategic for the destinies of we ungrateful Westerners. The world is a better place with Israel and the Jewish people.