Suspected Jewish terrorist Yaakov Teitel injured Arabs and the son of a Messianic family living in Israel, yet the government is compensating the Arabs – but not the messianic family. His family says it is because the government office claims he was not injured by a “hostile” act since the perpetrator was Jewish. This seems to be an example of the left hand of a bureaucracy not knowing about the right hand, as Messianics are not recognized as Jews by the Israeli courts and are not accepted automatically as citizens through the Law of Return. They can become citizens by regular means. Teitel, a native of the United States, was arrested last year for allegedly murdering two Arabs, attempting to kill others, for arson and incitement. He also is suspected of having planted a bomb on the doorstep of the home of a Messianic family that lives in the city of Ariel, in Samaria. The bomb seriously injured their son, Amiel Ortiz. The Ortiz family asked the National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi) for a monthly subsidy but was refused. They claim it is because Teitel is Jewish. An Arab family that also suffered from one of Teitel’s acts was awarded compensation. Leah Ortiz, mother of the boy, told Arutz Sheva , “I hope this problem will be solved. There is no reason that Bituach Leumi should act like this and discriminate." Meanwhile, a court has determined that Teitel is fit to stand trial, a decision that the Ortiz family says is a small victory for them. The wounded Ortiz boy still is recovering from his injuries, and scars remain from the explosions. His mother said, “There still is shrapnel in his body, and he suffers from noises in his ears.” National Insurance does not give monthly stipends unless injuries leave the claimant at least 5% handicapped for life.