Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah
Hizbullah chief Hassan NasrallahIsrael news photo: Al Manar TV

Syrian and Iranian-backed Hizbullah boasted Wednesday it had vanquished the CIA and Mossad.

"Our security... has exposed several American and Israeli plots on Lebanon," Hizbullah MP Hassan Fadlallah told reporters outside parliament.

"We call on the Lebanese government to take immediate action... and raise the issue with the United Nations and embassies, so that the whole world is aware of what the US embassy in Lebanon is doing," he added.

Fadlallah claimed Hizbullah had succeeded in uncovering Central Intelligence Agency operatives that had infiltrated Hizbullah.

"Lebanese intelligence vanquished US and Israeli intelligence in what is now known as the intelligence war," Fadlallah said.

"The resistance blinded American intelligence eyes."

The MP's comments came days after reports emerged that Hizbullah had uncovered several operatives within the movement working for the CIA.

In the first acknowledgement of infiltration since the Shiite group's founding in the 1980s, Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah in June said members of his group had confessed to being CIA agents.

Nasrallah accused his archfoe Israel of turning to the US spy agency after failing to infiltrate his party – slamming the American embassy in Beirut as a "den of spies."

The US embassy in Beirut dismissed the accusations as "empty".

Ironically, Fadlallah's claims came the morning after a Hizbullah munitions warehouse said to be housing a downed IDF drone was destroyed by a large explosion in what the terror group has called an act of sabotage.

Reports in the media following the explosion have speculated the warehouse – located near the port city of Tyre – was destroyed by the CIA, Mossad, or both. Details, however, remain unclear as Hizbullah will not let UNIFIL or Lebanese security officials near the site.

More than 100 people in Lebanon have been arrested on suspicion of spying for Israel since April 2009, including military personnel and telecoms employees.

Lebanon and Israel technically remain in a state of war and convicted spies face life imprisonment or the death sentence if found guilty of contributing to Lebanese loss of life.

Lebanon has protested to the United Nations over the alleged spy networks.