Just before the release of thousands of South Sudanese illegal aliens to the streets of South Tel Aviv's "Sudan City", the "Eitan: Israeli Immigration Policy" organization filed a petition on behalf of the city's residents against the Supreme Court's decision.
The petition requests that the Supreme Court prevents the illegals from being released back into the city, due to the huge spike in crime caused by illegal immigrants. The group cited residents' fears to leave their homes - even in broad daylight - and their efforts to avoid the area, even to return to their own homes and apartments, after dark.
The concentration of illegal immigrants in the area has reportedly cause a large upswing in criminal violence, both among the illegals themselves and among the native neighborhood residents. The petition also notes recent waves of cell phone theft and purse-snatching in the area.
"Women and girls who have to walk through the area have to remove their watches and jewelry in attempts to prevent being mugged. The residents have been attacked for no apparent reason, and many witnesses have come forward with reports of the aliens having violent confrontations among themselves. Fights, assaults, drunken brawls and violent trespasses on private property have caused neighborhood residents to flee the area in fears of the violence spreading to them, too."
It was also stated that "many rape cases and attempted rape cases have been reported in the area in recent years. The security level of the neighborhood residents in general, and of women and young girls in particular, has decreased dramatically, and they are unable to walk through the area at night without accompaniment." The petition also notes how unsafe the area is for local children.
The petition concludes by admitting that while the local police and municipal government has been working tirelessly to ease the situation, there is a major concern that the situation will spin even more out of control, establishing "difficult conditions to work with on the ground that will be difficult to counteract."
This is the second petition against a major governmental decision filed in the past week, the first being an effort by Almagor and terror victims' families to prevent Tuesday's terrorist release to the Palestinian Authority.