The United States National Security Agency (NSA) spied on “high priority Israeli military targets,” the New York Times has reported. The report is based on documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Among the specific IDF programs “tracked” by the NSA were the Black Sparrow missile system and drone aircraft, according to the report. Previous reports have suggested that the NSA shared sensitive intelligence information with Israel, as well. “The alliances… can get complicated,” the New York Times noted. Israel both receives raw eavesdropping materials from the NSA and gives them in return, the report said. The United States government has faced criticism from abroad and at home over revelations regarding its spy programs, including reports that the NSA monitored the phone conversations of 35 world leaders . According to recent reports, the agency also broke into the Google and Yahoo data centers , giving itself access to hundreds of millions of users’ personal accounts. The reports have exposed the complexity of US-Israel ties. The files released by Snowden have led to accusations of spying , confirmation of close cooperation on espionage, and revelations that the U.S. tried to blame Israel for a hacking attack.