Suicide terror attacks against the “Zionist enemy” were glorified in a televised graduation ceremony for a Hamas youth camp in Gaza. The ceremony aired on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV on January 16 and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). In the video, the campers are encouraged to “rock the fortifications of the enemy” and become liberators of the land that was “occupied” by Israel. The campers are heard saying, “Our message to the Zionist enemy, everywhere and at any time, is this: You shall never enjoy a pleasant life on our beloved homeland. We, the sons of the ‘Futuwwa’ youth camps, will confront you on every hill, in every valley, and on every road. Nothing awaits you here but to be killed. Nothing awaits you here but to be killed or to leave.” The graduation ceremony was attended by Hamas’s Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, as well as by Hamas Education Minister Osama Al-Mazini and Interior Minister Fathi Hammad. Hammad mentions comments he made in a previous speech in which he said that Israel will be gone in eight years, and adds, “Just eight years, dear brothers! Therefore, sons and brothers, you do not have much time to train. Study, conduct training, become experts and be inventive, with the help of Allah. The battle will be your battle. The Jihad will be your Jihad. Palestine is your land, Islam is your religion, and Allah is your God. The Messenger is your role model, and the Koran is your constitution. You have been planted by Allah, and therefore, you will harvest the enemies of Allah in the battle to come.” Hamas has previously released a cartoon honoring its “military wing,” and this year began a program to teach “resistance” to Israel in Gaza’s public school system. The Hamas-affiliated student union, which operates in Gaza high schools, published a cartoon in May that urged students to “keep the world clean” – with the accompanying image showing a figure in the colors of the PLO flag throwing a Star of David in the garbage . In a previous video exposed by MEMRI, principals in Gaza schools and Hamas officials defended the paramilitary training that children are forced to undergo in schools as “chivalry” class and “sports training.”