An imam in the German capital, Berlin, recently gave a sermon in which he expressed support for Gaza and called for “the annihilation of Jews”. The sermon by Sheikh Abu Bilal Ismail, which was given last Friday at the Al-Nur Mosque was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). “Gaza is the land of glory, the land of jihad, the land of honor, which is facing the strongest war machine, the Zionist Jews, these criminals, these slayers of prophets,” he said. “Oh Allah, destroy the Zionist Jews. They are no challenge for you,” he continued. “Count them and kill them to the very last one. Don’t spare a single one of them. Shake the ground beneath their feet. Make them suffer terribly. Deflect their bullets. Disperse them. They behave tyranically all over the world and spread corruption.” MEMRI has documented several incidents of Muslim extremism in Europe, including one in which Islamists in Britain threatened during a protest that Islam will dominate France and England, and called to implement Islamic Sharia law in all of Europe.