The first planeload of Israeli surrogate babies stranded in Nepal after Saturday's devastating earthquake has arrived back in Israel Monday morning. The IDF military plane, which touched down at the Nevatim airbase in the early hours of the morning, was carrying three young babies and eight other family members. Immediately after arriving two passengers - a father and his infant child, and a 24-year-old man who was injured in the earthquake - were transported on to Soroka hospital in Be'er Sheva for medical checks. Watch: IDF plane touches down with evacuated babies An additional airplane carrying more of the Israeli babies and their families stranded in Nepal is expected to land this afternoon in Israel. Despite the successful evacuations, the military says a number of premature Israeli babies still remain in Nepal in serious condition, and require urgent evacuation and medical treatment. Nahshon Squadron commander Lieutenant Colonel "Ron", who led the operation to bring the babies and their families home, said the IDF had flown a total of seven doctors to Nepal to help treat those effected by the disaster, as well to aid in the evacuation of the stranded infants. This morning, a 90-strong Israeli emergency relief team d eparted for Nepal aboard the IDF's new Hercules C-130J "Shimshon" air transport - the plane's first active service since being acquired by the Israeli army. At 12:00 p.m. an additional IDF plane will also depart for Nepal.