New Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on Sunday asked the investigation and intelligence branch of the police to gather information on the visit last week by three Arab MKs, in which they met with the families of Arab terrorist murderers. Mandelblit, who entered his new post last Monday, made the request from police to help him investigate whether a criminal investigation can be launched against MKs Hanin Zoabi, Jamal Zahalka and Basel Ghattas. The new Attorney General was ordered by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Saturday night to examine what legal action can be taken against the three MKs of the Joint List party's Balad faction. The Justice Ministry said that at this stage no additional steps will be taken until relevant materials are brought to Mandelblit for his inspection. Zoabi, Zahalka and Ghattas raised outrage last week by holding a meeting to comfort the families of several Arab terrorists who recently launched attacks and murdered Jews. D efending their actions, the Arab MKs later called the families "bereaved families," and called the terrorists who died while murdering Israelis " martyrs ." Earlier on Sunday Netanyahu presented Coalition-member party heads with a new bill by which MKs can be suspended by a vote of 90 MKs for improper conduct, indicating his plans to confront the pro-terror MKs. The proposal followed Netanyahu's comments on Sunday morning at a Cabinet meeting in which he promised to take action, saying he would do all he could to ban the three MKs of the Joint List.