Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who has so far failed to gain ground in his presidential campaign, was the winner of the Puerto Rico primary on Sunday, The Associated Press projected. Rubio, who campaigned in Puerto Rico Saturday, has now won one state and one territory. He won in Minnesota on Super Tuesday . Republican frontrunner Donald Trump called for Rubio to drop out of the race Saturday night, after he once again failed to win a single state during Super Saturday voting. "I think it's time for Marco to clean the deck. I do. And I say that respectfully," Trump said, according to ABC News . Puerto Ricans do not vote in presidential elections, but they do participate in the primary process electing delegates for the Republican and Democratic conventions. Rubio had perhaps his weakest night of the primary season on Saturday, failing to reach second in even a single state and falling to a humiliating fourth place in Maine with only 8%. Rubio picked up a mere 13 delegates, falling behind even further in the race to 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination. With roughly a third of delegates already allotted, there is little room for Rubio to plot a course to the nomination short of a brokered convention. Rubio’s poor showing came despite borrowing some of Trump’s tactics in a series of blistering attacks on the frontrunner, mocking everything from his appearance to the size of his hands. In light of Saturday’s results, only Ted Cruz appears to have benefited from the Rubio-Trump debacle.