The Netzah Yehuda infantry battalion – also known as “Nahal Haredi” due to its large contingency of soldiers from haredi families - is to receive a special certificate of appreciation this evening from Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division Lior Carmeli for its anti-terror activity over the course of the past year.
The battalion operated in the Binyamin region and dealt with many incidents of terror. In the words of Battalion Commander Uri Levi, “our battalion played an integral part in the defense of the residents of Binyamin […] we dealt with difficult situations: Stabbings, shootings, car attacks."
“In every instance, the fighters of the battalion proved that they were worthy, brave and ready to deal with every challenge and danger,” he said.
“The certificate that Noam is receiving today embodies the heroism and strength of the fighters of the battalion,” Levi said, and added: “The fighters dealt with great pressure and difficult mental challenges. We stood with strength and modesty for the sake of defending the citizens of the State. The certificate [the battalion is receiving] brings things full-circle in a significant way, for me and the battalion, after such a challenging year as this.”
Rabbi Tzvi Klebanow, president of the Nahal Haredi Foundation, adds that "Just a few days ago, at a ceremony held in Jerusalem at the Kotel, the latest intake of soldiers of the Nahal Haredi declared their allegiance to protect the Jewish State and concurrently completed a tractate of Talmud Bavli. I strongly believe that the close sequence of these two events signifies the culmination of many years of hard work by our professional staff of Rabbinic mentors and educators who travel daily to our soldiers wherever they may be stationed to offer encouragement and guidance".
Netzah Yehuda is soon to move to the Menashe region for operational activity.