An Israeli-Arab man from Haifa was indicted Tuesday for the murder of a neighbor he allegedly killed after the victim refused to give his credit card number to the accused. The alleged murderer’s former girlfriend was also indicted as a co-conspirator in the murder. Tomer Hujirat, 27, and Karin Samnudi, 25, were charged with the murder of 56-year old Yuri Bogozhnev, who was killed roughly three weeks ago in his apartment. In addition to the murder, the pair were charged with setting the victim’s apartment on fire after the murder, theft, and obstruction of justice. According to the indictment, the Bogozhnev had lent the couple money in the past. On the day of the murder, the couple resolved to ask Bogozhnev for another loan. When the two went to Bogozhnev’s apartment to ask for more money, Hujirat brought a knife with him – a fact Samnudi was aware of and had approved as they left their apartment. The couple knocked on the victim’s door, and after Bogozhnev opened his door, the two entered the victim’s apartment. Immediately afterwards, Samnudi locked the door, and the couple demanded the victim give them more money. Bogozhnev refused the demand and claimed that he had no additional funds in his bank account or lines of credit. Bogozhnev ordered the two out and shoved Hujirat. Hujirat grabbed a metal Kiddush cup from a shelf in the victim’s apartment and struck Bogozhnev in the head. Hujirat then drew his knife, pressed the blade up to the victim’s neck, and demanded Bogozhnev hand over his credit card number. The victim complied, surrendering his wallet and revealing the personal identification number for his credit card. The couple removed cash from Bogozhnev’s wallet and wrote down PIN for future use. Hujirat then stabbed Bogozhnev in the neck and chest, causing the victim to collapse on the floor. In the meantime, Samnudi left the apartment building with the victim’s credit card and PIN and attempted to make a withdrawal from an ATM. After she was unable to withdraw cash using the credit card, Samnudi returned to the apartment, where the couple searched through the victim’s belongings for valuables. In total, the couple managed to steal 73 shekels ($20.50) from the victim – including 50 shekels from his wallet and 23 shekels found in his apartment. Afterwards, Hujirat poured flammable liquids in the victim’s apartment and set it on fire, with the intention of destroying evidence of the murder.