Shimon Tubol, a member of the Beer Sheva municipal council, hopes that the city's legal adviser will order that the municipal shelter used by the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality be confiscated. In an interview with Arutz Sheva , Tubol explained that the Forum, which was originally supposed to be dealing with the subject of equality and dialogue between the Israeli and Bedouin communities in the Negev, hosts radical leftists. "They bring here leftist elements whose goal is to undermine the State of Israel and IDF soldiers. In the past, we took legal action against them and, thank G-d, we also succeeded in lowering their budget. But recently they have hosted an 'armed' movement here that is trying to prove that the State of Israel and IDF soldiers are using the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian Authority as tests for Israeli ammunition. " Tubol hopes that the city's legal advisor will order the confiscation of the shelter from the Forum. "To the mayor's credit, he was shocked by this story, and sent [the Forum] a letter asking them not to hold the conference, and despite this, they held the conference, during which IDF soldiers were also called ‘Zionist troops.’ We turned to the city's legal adviser, who is responsible for the law and the allocations committee, and who is currently handling the matter. I hope that with G-d's help, we will remove this scourge from Beer Sheva soon. " The Be'er Sheva municipality said that the municipality would act on the legal plane in accordance with the law. Arutz Sheva approached the director general of the Negev Coexistence Forum for a response, which will be published upon reception.