The PA sharply attacked the US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, following his tweet in response to the deadly shooting attack in Samaria in which Rabbi Raziel Shevach was murdered. On Wednesday morning, Friedman tweeted about the rabbi’s murder, and blamed the Palestinian Arabs for lack of peace with Israel. “An Israeli father of six was killed last night in cold blood by Palestinian terrorists. Hamas praises the killers and PA laws will provide them financial rewards. Look no further to why there is no peace.” “Praying for the bereaved Shevach family,” he tweeted. The PA’s so-called “foreign ministry,” in response, accused Friedman of favoring Israel, asserting that his tweet was published just as moves take place in Israel to advance policy that seeks to curtail PA funding for terror. “The American ambassador in Tel Aviv is known for his selective positions, biased from the outset, which reflect a positive disposition towards the occupation and the settlements and alienation from the problems of our Palestinian nation and our just and legitimate national rights,” the announcement said. “Where was Friedman when murder was committed against the shahid in a wheelchair Ibrahim Abu Toriah on the Gaza border, and hundreds of other Palestinian shahids executed by occupation forces in cold blood, in front of TV cameras and in the light of day? Where was the Washington ambassador when the girl Ahed Tamimi and hundreds of other children were taken from their families late at night? “Where was he when Israeli police admitted several days ago to having executed more than 200 defenseless Palestinian civilians who did not pose any danger or threat to occupation soldiers? Why does Friedman not feel the pain and suffering of their families?” the PA statement claimed, omitting any mention of the terrorist acts or attempted attacks that brought about IDF responses.