Tzfat's rabbi, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, refers to the uproar caused by his call to fire IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot because, according to the rabbi, the IDF adopted radical feminist positions.
"I've been calling to fire the Chief of Staff, or at least not to extend his term," Rabbi Eliyahu said, "I've been thinking for months whether to speak or not to speak. Since the reported large drop in motivation for combat units, I've asked myself, 'Why is this happening?'
"This is something that should not be allowed if it develops, and it has been developing for a number of years; it's a disaster. Who's responsible for it? Who caused young people to lack motivation?" Rabbi Eliyahu wondered.
"It's natural to point to the head of the system as the one guilty in this matter. That is the person who removed the military rabbinate information service that increased motivation and replaced it with radical leftist organizations that decrease motivation.
"That is the person who fought against Elor Azariya, harming soldiers' motivation; that is the person who fights religious soldiers, a situation which breaks them. He puts girls into fighting units - that doesn't increase motivation. It may make service more interesting, but it doesn't increase motivation for becoming a fighter."
Rabbi Eliyahu asserts that Chief of Staff Eizenkot is responsible for whatever failings there are and that "in Israel we can't afford an army that is weakening."
"It's true that the army is strong, but you can't go into complacency mode, that's why I asked the Prime Minister, who is responsible, to weigh this issue ... It's time to say to the Chief of Staff, 'Thank you very much for your service. Make room for someone else.'"