Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau called on those leading prayer services across the country Sunday to stop reciting the 'Vaanenu Boreh Olam' ("Answer us, O Creator of the Universe") prayer, which is recited during times of severe drought.
"We have been blessed and the gates of heaven were opened, so we must distinguish between the public emissary's prayer and that of the individual," Rabbi Lau replied to a question addressed to him.

According to the rabbi, "the prayer leader should stop saying the Vaanenu prayer, but the individual may continue as long as rains are needed, like every private request that can be said in the Shomea Tefilla ("He Who hears prayer") blessing.
"Therefore, from now on the public shall no longer recite the special prayer for drought, and should direct such requests while saying the Barech Aleinu ("Bestow Thine blessing upon us") prayer, and the L-rd will continue to hear our supplication and grant us rains of blessing."
Over the weekend, from Thursday morning until Sunday, the Sea of Galilee rose by a total of 18 centimeters, with the level now standing 98 centimeters below the lower red line.