Iranian and Quds forces have been working for a while from the Syrian T4 air force base near Palmyra, Syria, supported by Syrian armed forces and with the approval of the Syrian government. An unconfirmed report said that in the past several months, Iran has began using the base as if it were its own, and transferring weapons to allies in an attempt to build up its strength against Israel. These Iranian activities are disguised as support against global jihad, but the events of the past day have proven that their true purpose is direct and violent actions against Israel. Iran's actions have proven correct all of Israel's warnings against allowing Iran's establishment in Syria. There was an intentional attack, and Israel was forced to respond, first to the threat on her territory, and later to those who acted against it in enmity from Syrian soil. On Saturday, an Iranian drone entering Israeli airspace from Syria remained in Israel 1.5 minutes before the IAF shot it down. Responding to the infiltration, Israel in response attacked the drone's command center. During the IAF operation, Syrian surface-to-air missiles downed an Israeli F-16I fighter jet. Both pilots ejected, one suffering light injuries and the other seriously injured.