Mike Pompeo
Mike PompeoJonathan Ernst, Reuters

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will arrive in Israel on Sunday afternoon for an official visit.

Shortly after his arrival, Pompeo will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss the 2015 "Iran deal."

US President Donald Trump is expected to decide whether to pull out of the deal in the next two weeks. US officials say Trump is seriously considering withdrawing from the deal, which he called "the worst deal ever negotiated." However, European leaders hesitate to cancel the deal, and Iran has warned of "unpleasant" consequences if Trump follows through with his threat.

Pompeo's adviser, Brian Hook, on Saturday night told reporters, "We are urging nations around the world to sanction any individuals and entities associated with Iran’s missile program, and it has also been a big part of discussions with Europeans."

Hook also said Iran threatens the Middle East, including American interests and allies.

After his visit to Israel, Pompeo is expected to continue on to Jordan before returning to the US.