It was cleared for publication that the man murdered in the stabbing attack this morning at the Gush Etzion Junction was Ari Fuld, a resident of Efrat and father of four. Lior Shurka, a friend of the victim, told the TPS news agency: "Ari [meaning ‘lion’ in Hebrew] was like his name implied. He was very involved in explaining and defending the good reputation of the State of Israel on the Internet and before the citizens of the world.” “Ari was about launch a new Hasbara site [to reveal truth about Israel] in English. He was a good friend who you knew would stand by you and protect you in any situation. “A lowly terrorist came up behind him, and in a cowardly way stabbed him. Ari was one of the fighters in the Efrat emergency squad. We didn’t expect anything less of him. Even after he was wounded, Ari engaged with the terrorist and chased him as he was bleeding, and managed to respond and shoot at the terrorist." "We are confident that his death will not be in vain, and his activity will grow and intensify. We expect the government to immediately demolish the house of the terrorist and expel his family to the Gaza Strip as soon as possible," Shurka added. Fuld will be laid to rest at the Kfar Etzion cemetery Sunday night at 11:30 p.m. He is survived by his wife, Miriam, and his children Yakir, Naomi, Natan, and Tamar.