An incendiary device attached to a balloon with Arabic writing on it was spotted in the central Israeli city of Rishon LeZion Friday morning. According to a police spokesperson, the balloon was found next to the road on Sprinzak Street in Rishon LeZion. After authorities were notified of the balloon bomb, a police sapper squad was dispatched to the scene to disarm the device. The bomb was neutralized at the scene, and no injuries or damage were reported. The balloon which had carried the firebomb into Rishon LeZion was likely launched from the Gaza Strip, where tens of thousands of firebombs and ‘terror kites’ carrying explosive and incendiary devices have been launched towards Israeli territory in recent months. On Thursday , a balloon bomb was spotted in the city of Bat Yam, just south of Tel Aviv. No injuries were reported, and police successfully neutralized the device. In addition, a number of suspicious balloons were found Thursday morning by a woman in the “Emek Hamatzleva” area of Jerusalem, the second time in two days that incendiary balloons have been found in Jerusalem, after another such balloon was found in the German Colony area of Jerusalem on Wednesday. At the beginning of the week, two balloons were found near the capital, one in the community of Givat Ze’ev and another in the community of Beit Horon. Another two balloons were found in the area of Modi’in. According to Hadashot 2 , in light of growing number of balloons that have been found recently in central Israel, the defense establishment fears that incendiary balloon attacks emanating from Judea and Samaria will soon become routine occurrences, just as such attacks emanating from Gaza already have been for months.