Members of the neo-Nazi group National Socialist Movement (NSM) recently discovered to their shock that their new leader was a black man. “My name is Reverend James Hart Stern. I’m the president of the NSM,” the new leader introduced himself to Galei Tzahal radio's Agam Kedem Levy. According to the report, the development came about after Stern, an “anti-racism activist,” met former NSM president Jeff Schoep. “I spent the last 4 years trying to turn this man’s opinion around,” Stern related. “A couple of weeks ago, he contacted me, very upset. He was telling me that he was afraid he was going to go to jail.” Stern said Mr. Schoep came to him for legal advice on a lawsuit filed against NSM and other white-nationalist groups over the death of a counter-protester during the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. But Stern had other plans. “I told him that the best thing for him to do was to get rid of the organization. I told him that if he really wants to dissolve this group and get rid of it, give it to me - a black man.” Schoep fell for it, and signed over leadership of NSM to Stern. “I outsmarted him. He signed all the legal documents. My only goal was to get rid of this organization. It had to go. Somebody had to stop this group.” According to the report, Stern’s first activity as leader of the group was to take responsibility for the counterprotester’s death. But he doesn’t intend to stop there. “The NSM has a website that spits out a lot of poison every day. I’m going to take that website and start streaming things that will teach younger generations about the Jewish nation, about black history, about slavery.” According to the report, the group is expected to close soon, as it is hard to believe that group members will give allegiance to the new official leader. But that, the reported concluded, is exactly Stern’s victory.