A Chabad rabbi and his wife were violently assaulted during a home invasion at a Chabad House in Nairobi, Kenya before dawn early Wednesday morning. Burglars broke into the Chabad house in Nairobi, which is operated by Israeli native Rabbi Shmuel Notik and his wife, Chaya, who operate the Jewish center for travelers in the Kenyan capital city. According to Yediot Ahronot , police suspect the local guards worked with the burglars. During the home invasion, the burglars encountered two young Orthodox Jewish men at the Chabad house. The two men were tied up and gagged. When the burglars proceeded into the Notik’s residence at the Chabad house, Rabbi Notik spotted the assailants and attempted to call for help, but was beaten and told that he would be killed if he did not cooperate. The burglars then broke into the room where Mrs. Notik was sleeping. The assailants beat her with clubs before demanding money. Chaya Notik reported suffered head injuries during the home invasion, and required surgery to treat her injuries. The burglars allegedly threatened to kill Mrs. Notik while making anti-Semitic remarks. She is listed in moderate condition, JTA reports. Rabbi Shmuel Notik has been listed in light condition. At the end of the incident, the Notiks and their three children were forced into the bathroom, where they were left locked inside until police came. Local media outlets report that the burglars stole computers, cellular phones, jewelry, money, passports, and religious objects during the home invasion. In 2014, Rabbi Notik was robbed at knife-point in a Nairobi street. He managed to escape unscathed after giving the robbers his prayer book, shofar, and lapel pin. Rabbi Shmuel Notik holding a Nile perch at his home in Nairobi Courtesy of Rabbi Notik