Yisrael Beytenu Chairman Avigdor Liberman on Monday morning slammed Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, claiming that he is preparing for a minority government with the support of the Arab parties after the elections. Liberman noted that Natal Eshel, who is close to Netanyahu, recently published articles on the topic in both Haaretz and Makor Rishon . "Articles such as these could not have been published without the Prime Minister's knowledge. Natan Eshel would not decide on his own to publish these articles, which deal with the pacts with the Arab parties which he believes are required, without Netanyahu's approval," he said. "This is an attempt to prepare for the next step of building a minority government with the support of the Arab parties after the elections. "The Prime Minister is drifting towards the Arab parties, and this drifting will cost the taxpayer a lot of money. A government like this would be formed at the expense of the public which serves in the IDF, pays taxes, and does reserve duty. "This is the plan. The Likud understood that it will not have 61 [Knesset members] without Yisrael Beytenu, and so they decided to start working with the Arab parties."