In a recent TV campaign ad, Democrat Nominee for US President, Joseph Biden, accused President Trump of ‘betrayal’ for allegedly ignoring intelligence that Russia put a bounty on heads of American soldiers in Afghanistan. Once again, it’s another “Samestream” Media fake news story, and Pres. Trump’s National Security Advisor O’Brien cateforically stated “The president’s career CIA briefer decided not to brief him because it was unverified intelligence.” Despite this contextual clarification, Biden in his ad goes on to fulminate that “This is beyond the pale. It’s a betrayal of the most sacred duty we bear as a nation–protect & equip our troops when we go into harm’s way.” Since Biden has raised the issue, let’s look at how Vice President Biden betrayed his “most sacred duty” by ignoring the murder of US troops in Iraq at the hands of Iranians. In fact, despite the fact that VP Biden knew that the Defense Department had already conclusively found by July 9, 2015 that Iran had directly murdered a minimum 500 US soldiers with Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) in Iraq over the past seven years, a mere five days later, on July 14, 2015, VP Biden cheerled the Iran Nuclear deal that handed Iran $150 Billion dollars. Do the math. That means that in 2015, VP Biden paid Iran $300 million for each US soldier Iran murdered. VP Biden and President Obama are the greatest betrayers of our soldiers in the history of America. Do you realize that by the announcement of the Iran deal on July 14, 2015, the Pentagon had told President Obama and his Vice President Biden, that they had conclusively determined that Iran was directly responsible for the murder of at least 500 US soldiers in Iraq over the last 7 years? There is no doubt about it. On July 9, 2015, five days before July 15, 2015, General Joseph S. Dunford, Jr., USMC, the nominee for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, under oath, testified at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Defense Department had conclusively found that Iran was directly responsible for the IED deaths of at least 500 US soldiers. Let’s go to pages 69-70 of the Senate Armed Services Committee Transcripts itself: Stenographic Transcript Before the COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES UNITED STATES SENATE HEARING TO CONSIDER THE NOMINATION OF GENERAL JOSEPH F. DUNFORD, JR., USMC, TO BE CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF Thursday, July 9, 2015 BEGINNING OF TRANSCRIPT: Senator Cotton: You have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you know how many soldiers, marinesunderneath your command were killed by Iranian activities? General Dunford : Senator, I know the total number of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines that were killed by Iranian activities, and the number has been recently reported as about 500. We were not always able to attribute the casualties that we had to Iranian activity, although many times we suspected it was Iranian activity, even though we did not necessarily have the forensics to support that. Senator Cotton: So about 500 confirmed, but many more suspected, killed in action and even more wounded in action. END OF TRANSCRIPT So there you have it. Five days before President Obama and VP Biden giddily announced their Iran deal flushing Iran with $150 Billion dollars, the soon-to-be-Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, in open session, publicly testifies that the Pentagon has “confirmed” that Iran murdered at least 500 US soldiers in Iraq with their IEDs. So, as I said, do the math, $150 Billion divided by 500 US soldiers. Ergo, VP Biden knowing the Iranians had recently murdered at least 500 US soldiers in Iraq paid Iran $300 Million dollars for each US soldier Iran had murdered. Tragically, I would be remiss if I failed to write that the Pentagon recently revised upward the number of precious US soldiers the Pentagon had definitively concluded had been murdered by Iran to 603. And remember, the 603 killed in action is a small fraction of the number of US soldiers who were horribly injured with unspeakable and unthinkable injuries. And, the 603 definitively murdered by Iran was out of a total of 3,490 US soldiers killed in action in the Iraq War. How many of the other precious 2887 US soldiers were murdered by Iran? A great many. VP Biden’s applauding the passage of the $150 billion to Iran when he definitively knew that they had murdered at least 500 US soldiers is a gross, wanton “betrayal” of his “most sacred duty.” That betrayal should disqualify him from being elected to any public position, let alone President of the United States. And Biden’s criminal betrayal of our soldiers and of America itself doesn’t stop there. We need to read the full transcript of General Dunford’s testimony to understand how terrible the Obama-Biden/Iran nuclear deal policy was. Specifically, Obama and Biden knew before the deal was inked that Iran would use the $150 billion to further conduct evil terrorist activities against US soldiers and US interests and allies in the Middle East. Here is General Dunford’s full July 9th, 2015 testimony at the Senate Armed Services Committee: BEGINNING OF TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Cotton : I would like to move now to Iran. As far as I know, there has still not been an announced nuclear agreement with Iran. But under any such agreement, Iran will probably get a signing bonus of billions and billions of dollars. How do you expect Iran will use that signing bonus? General Dunford: Senator, again, from the outside looking in, there are two challenges they have. One is their economy internally and the disaffection of the Iranian people as a result of that economy, and the other is that they use resources that they have available to support their malign activity across the region. Senator Cotton: So you believe that at least part of that money can go to terrorist organizations they support like Hezbollah, as well as to destabilize governments in the Middle East like support for the Huthis in Yemen or Shiite militias in Iraq. General Dunford : Senator, I think it is reasonable to assume that. Senator Cotton: Does the United States have the military capability to destroy Iran’s nuclear program? General Dunford: My understanding is that we do, Senator. Senator Cotton : You have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you know how many soldiers, marines underneath your command were killed by Iranian activities? General Dunford : Senator, I know the total number of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines that were killed by Iranian activities, and the number has been recently reported as about 500. We were not always able to attribute the casualties that we had to Iranian activity, although many times we suspected it was Iranian activity, even though we did not necessarily have the forensics to support that. Senator Cotton : So about 500 confirmed, but many more suspected killed in action and even more wounded in action. You have a reputation for being particularly thoughtful when you deal with the families of fallen service members. What would you say to family members of a soldier, sailor, airman, or marine that was killed by Iranian activity if we make a nuclear agreement with Iran before they change their behavior in the region? General Dunford : Well, Senator, what I would say is that my expectation is that regardless of there being an agreement or not, Iran will continue to be a malign force and influence across the region. And then if confirmed as the Chairman, I will make sure that our leadership has a full range of military options to deal with Iranian activity. : END OF TRANSCRIPT It is hard to digest that although President Obama and VP Biden knew 5 days before July 14, 2020 that Iran had murdered at least 500 US soldiers, they rewarded Iran with a $150 billion "reward", but they did. VP Biden also knew the Iranians would use a large part of the $150 billion to murder more US soldiers and fund the terroristic enslavement of tens of millions of Arabs in Iraq through to Lebanon. What’s worse is that the entire Democrat party of senators and congressmen blithely rubber-stamped the $150 Billion reward for Iran by approving the Iran deal despite their full knowledge of Iran’s direct murder of 500 of our precious soldiers. If Biden is elected as US president, one thing is for sure, a President Biden will fork over many more billions to a terrorist Iranian regime that has and will murder many hundreds, if not thousands more US soldiers. A vote for Biden is a vote to ratify the $300 Million dollar per US soldier reward to Iran for murdering American soldiers.